Book Talking - Ugly Love By Colleen Hoover
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Toady's post is for the book lover in me and we are going to talk about one of my favorite book "Ugly love" by Colleen Hover. I stumbled upon a Colleen Hoover book "Confess" a couple of years ago and I absolutely fell in love with her writing style. Since then I have been a die-hard "CO-HO" fan as they call it on Instagram.
Ugly Love is exactly what you can expect from the title. It’s not the cheesy pink romance about flawless couple who quickly gets their happily ever after, not at all. Ugly Love is gritty and real but yet so beautiful in its own astonishing way. You can say, it is the 'Ugly' that make this story 'Beautiful' .
This is story of Tate and Miles who basically hate the idea of love. For Tate love is absolute waste of time and for Miles its the most hurtful and ugly thing in the world. They think they can hang on to their grounds until they meet each other and then suddenly they cannot handle it any more......
"Hearts get infiltrated.
Promises get broken.
Rules get shattered.
Love gets ugly. "
Promises get broken.
Rules get shattered.
Love gets ugly. "
The story is written with dual point of view as Tate and Miles, chapter by chapter. Miles chapters are the backstory, revealing what caused him such deep pain that rippled into his present. In the present, the reader is taken by a crazy Tate-Miles chemistry. I loved how the author stitched together moments from Miles’s past chapters into the present chapters. Every once in a while, the story will stab you in the heart and make you feel cringe, cry and then slowly will bring you back to life with so much love.
I finished this book in like couple of days because I just couldn't put in down, so good!! After I finished the book I actually had my first ever "Book Hangover" and for few days I just couldn't get myself to pick up any other book. Colleen Hoover has a wonderful way of writing her characters with this addictive chemistry. Every one of her couples has a signature “something” that makes them memorable and unique.
All and all ugly love is a beautiful love story and if you are a romance reader you will fall hard for it. If you haven't read a Co-Ho book yet then this would be an amazing book to start and I m sure you will love her writing. If you pick up this book or have already read it then comment to let me know your take on the Ugly Love. Thanks a lot and Happy Reading !!!
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